- The volunteer sign up sheet for the carnival is in the entryway of the school! Please sign up for a time slot! This is a fun event for everyone!
- Please make sure you received your letter from Carol and Mary this week!
- Healthy kids helpers: Brandon and Catie
- Projects: Number books and Teddy Bear Collage
- Dora's clues: mop, pail, sponge - Dora wants to clean!
- Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter "L" - he found a lollipop! Try to think of other words that start with the letter "L" this week!
- Mailbox: We found an experiment called "bust the bag!" You need a 5x5 piece of paper towel - put 1.5 Tbsp of baking soda in the center of the square and fold up the square. In a small ziplock bag put 1/4 cup warm water and 1/2 cup of vinegar. Carefully hold the folded paper towel inside the corner of the ziplock bag and zip it shut. Shake the bag and quickly set the bag down and watch and listen for a bang! *Careful, do this experiment over your bathtub - it can be messy, but very amazing for the kids!
- Excuse for snack exercise: We matched an animal, and dropped a cotton ball into a bucket for our two exercises this week!
- Stories: Living in the Arctic - what kind of animals live in the arctic? seals, penguins, walrus, whales and reindeer!; Penguins Snowy Day, and Penguins Big Hill.
- Songs: Drink Hot Cocoa; The More We Get Together; Slippery Fish