Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 12, 2012

  • Please note a typo on the January calendar - there is NO SCHOOL on Thursday Jan 26th and Friday Jan 27th!
  • Please note the carnival invitations sent home in your child's backpack!  Send them to family, friends & neighbors - it's lots of fun games and prizes for the kids!  There are more invites at the school or just copy yours!
  • Raffle tickets for the carnival were sent home in your child's backpack!  We do have more at school if anyone wants more!  As we did last year, we are selling fewer tickets so the odds of winning are much higher!
Activities this week:

  • Topics: 5 senses and poison
  • Healthy Kid Helpers : Braxton & Molly
  • Projects: Carnival invite and snowman!
  • Dora's clues: small, medium, and large octagons - we talked about thins shaped like an octagon: stop signs, some umbrellas, etc.
  • We've got mail!  We had a taste test: 1) salty = chips, 2) sour = baby dill pickles, 3) sweet = M&M's!
  • Excuse for snack activity: 1) match snowman and his hat, and 2) look at the letters in each child's name!
  • Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter K this week!  He was the king of the forest!  Practice the "K sound with your child this week!
  • Poison:  We talked about different poisons and also about "Mr. Goodarm".  Mr. Goodarm helps us pick up things that are only good for us and helps us think about what we should do if we see something that looks good but we're not sure what it is =  Go talk to your parents about it!
  • Books: Jamberry, and Big Smelly Bear.
  • Eyes and Ears Songs: 1) Senses - sung to the "Muffin Man":  Oh, do you use your ears to hear, Your ears to hear, your ears to hear?; Oh do you use your ears to hear?  Oh, yes!  We use our ears! (repeat with eyes to see, mouth to taste, nose to smell, and hands to touch)  2) sung to "Are you Sleeping":  Ears are listening, Ears are listening; Listen now! Listen now!; Let's make a little noise, Make a little noise!; stomp, clap, clap; stomp, clap, clap!
  • Be sure to check the Friday PreK page and the updated Photos page!