Friday Pre-K Class

Friday May 18th

  • We had a great time on our big yellow schoolbus fieldtrip to Southside park!
  • We went on a short walk thru the woods... who did we look for??
  • We played on the playground and had our snack!
  • We played bingo before we went to the park!
  • We read books after our fieldtrip:  Baby Duck's New Friend:  Who was baby duck's new friend? (a rubber duck); What was the rule his mama duck told him? ( ducklings can't go beyond the old stone bridge unless they are with someone who can fly!  Did the baby duck go beyond the old stone bridge?
  • We had a nice last day of class today -- have a great summer!!

Friday May 4th

  • Snack:  we made cinnamon rolls and baked them - yum!!!
  • Project: we made a name collage - it was fun decorating it!
  • Books:  Peanut Butter & Jelly - did they make a mess making the peanut butter and jelly sandwich?; Caps for Sale - the children all had a hat and acted out the parts of the monkeys in the story - what fun!
  • We learned about the letters "W" and "X" - Mr. Wonderful Wink, and Mr. Xall Wrong
  • We traced all the letters today!

Friday April 27th

  • Book:  The Giving Tree - We discussed the book and the children each told a way that the tree helped the boy.
  • Project:  Trees Booklet - we learned that trees provider shelter and food to eat!
  • Book:  Count the Ways Little Brown Bear - I love you more than all the stars in the sky!
  • Shape Book:  We traced the rectangles and used a black color crayon.  We got to take our shape books home!
  • Snack:  We made a flower!  We used crackers, colored cream cheese, and pretzel sticks for the stem!
  • We also played alphabet bingo today!

Friday April 20th

  • Art Project:  we made a necklace by stringing beads!
  • Snack:  we made a Ladybug, using cream cheese on crackers and raisins for the spots!
  • We discussed the letters "U" and "V" -- Miss Upsy-Diasy Umbrella, and Mr. Velvet Vest -- what other words start with these letters?
  • We practiced writing our numbers and printing our names!
  • Books:  Humpty Dumpty-- How did the King help Humpty, and how did Humpty help the King?  Humpty taught the King to be brave, and the King taught Humpty to be thoughtful and patient.  King Moe was good and puzzles and put Humpty back together again-- they became great friends!;  Grouchy Ladybug--grouchy ladybug didn't want to share with the friendly ladybug.... what happened in the end?  We learned it is best to share!

Friday April 13th

  • Art Project:  Rainbow Fish!
  • Snack: Rainbow Toast!  We drew a picture on a piece of bread using q-tips and colored milk -- then toasted it-- then put on butter or apple jelly!
  • We practiced printing all the letters - upper and lower case, and numerals 0-9
  • Books: Rainbow of His Own:  the sad chameleon had no color of his own but he met another chameleon that was older and wiser and they decided to stay together and wherever they went they changed colors together!....... We then discussed what the children could do with a friend, and we made a list of what we could do with our friends!
  • Books:  Number Books 7 & 8:  Seven Magic Hats, Eight Legs are Great...... practice writing 7 & 8 on your paper and counting!

Friday March 30th

  • Art Project:  collage carrot - all orange!
  • Snack:  we made a stoplight!  we used crackers with colored cream cheese - green, yellow and red and made them into a stoplight!
  • Books:  Very Hungry Caterpillar - he became a big fat caterpillar -- and then what happened??; Carrot Seed-- did the carrot seed grow into a carrot?  * the children acted out the story also!!
  • We discussed the letters S and T - Mr Super Socks, and Mr. Tall Teeth! 
  • We practiced recognizing all of the letters of the alphabet - upper and lower case!

Friday March 23, 2012

  • Art project:  we colored a letter of the alphabet with lots of colors!
  • Snack:  we made a kite - ask your child how we made it!
  • Books:  The Wind Blew:  a rhyming story that follows a wild wind thru town; Big Bear Can:  can big bears have hugs?  yes they can!
  • Shape book:  we traced ovals with purple
  • We traced the numbers 1 all the way to 31!
  • Practiced printing our names!

Friday March 16th, 2012

  • Art project:  we made a stoplight - we made our own circles for the stoplight, we learned by rounding off the corners of a square
  • Snack:  we had applesauce - it was green!!  we figured that leprechauns must have come early to our school and colored the applesauce  - we decided that leprechauns must like green!
  • Little Blue, Little Yellow:  we did a watercolor experiment with yellow and blue---- ask your child what color this made?
  • We traced our lower case letters today!
  • We learned about Mr. Quiet and Mr Rubberbands- we talked about what sounds the letters Q and R make!
  • We played a game on the computer with a partner
  • Book:  Mary Had a Little Lamb:  The lamb always followed Mary and then one day he decided to be free --- the lamb got into a lot of trouble!  Mary finally found her lamb, gave it a bath, and put it to bed!

Friday March 2nd, 2012
  • Art Project:  toucan
  • We practiced printing our capital letters and reviewed naming the letters and practiced printing our names.
  • Books: Big Bear Little Bear - Little bear wants to be as fast as his mother.  One day mother bear shows little bear what it's like to be a grown up - but at the end of the day little bear decides he isn't ready to be grown up!
  • Dismiss for snack activity:  each child was asked to retell a page of the story!
  • Snack:  We made bologna rollups with bologna, cream cheese, and pickles!
  • Books:  Today I Feel Silly:  we talked about all different moods that make up a day!  Seven Magic Hats:  We counted to 7 alot in this story!
  • We worked on computer activities with a partner!

Friday February 24th

  • Snack: We made cinnamon rolls - ask your child how to make them!!  It was a fun project!
  • Art Project:  Snowman
  • We worked on the computer with a partner playing : memory game, matching, and worked on belonging together and order
  • We practiced the numerals all the way to 31!
  • We printed our names!
  • We worked on the letter "O" - Miss Optimistic Optimist, and "P"- Mr. Pointy Patch
  • Stories:  Frozen Noses- bundle up and go outside - this was a rhyming book about outside snow fun!  Snow:  snow-free forecasts don't hamper a boy's enthusiasm as he and his dog watch tiny snowflakes fall from the sky.  One snowflake leads to another, and soon the boy and his dog are frolicking in the snow with magical friends!

Friday February 17th

  • Project: Heart collage - we made beautiful hearts!
  • We practiced the capital letters, and also practiced saying the letters!
  • We talked about the letters M and N - we found out about Mr. Munching Mouth, and Mr. Noisy Nose - can you think of some words that begin with M and N?
  • Snack:  We made a heart snack:  We put pink cream cheese on a graham cracker, and made a heart with red string licorice!
  • Books:  Me and My Mom - my mom is special in every way - she is best at holding me tight; My Dad - my dad is the roughest and toughest in the jungle!

Friday February 10th

  • We played memory match or association games on the computer!
  • Project:  Create our own monster!  Glad monster & sad monster - we discussed feelings.
  • Shape Book:  we traced the diamond shape with pink color crayon
  • We traced the upper and lower case letters and we named the letters!
  • Books:  There's an Alligator Under My Bed - we talked about dreams not being real; There's Something in my Attic - what do you think, was there really something in her attic?
  • Snack project:  We made a monster!  Green Monster face, cream cheese, string cheese, licorice & raisins!

Friday February 3rd

  • We practiced printing our names and practiced writing the numbers 6- 10!
  • Project:  Igloo!  We made an igloo and put the ice chunks in order from 1- 10!  
  • Snack:  We baked cookies - we put 6 M&M's and/or raisins on our cookies!
  • Books:  Six Cheers for Ladybug:  we counted to 6 alot!
  • My Crayons Talk:  the children remembered what each color said.  For example, the color of red says:" I'm the color of a stop sign"
  • Penguin Pete and Little Tim:  In this book they went for an adventure with their friend seal, got lost,  and then his dad found him right where Little Tim had gotten lost.  Dad always said if you ever get lost - just stay right where you are and I will find you!

Friday January 20th

  • Project: My Gingerbread Man:  how many cheerios and raisins are on it?  We counted them to find out!
  • Snack Activity:  We made a house out of cheese, bologna, and a pretzel - can your child tell you how to make it?
  • We worked on our shape book this week!
  • We traced the numbers 1-5 and practiced writing them!
  • We worked on recognizing the letters of the alphabet!
  • Books:  Penguins Big Surprise: Pugwuys is very excited, he is getting a baby brother or sister.  The problem is "little" is just an egg and doesn't want to do anything, what happens???  The Jacket I Wear in the Snow - the children were asked what they would need if their neck was cold, fingers, feet, head, legs, etc.
  • Computer game!!  We played a memory game on the computer - the children played with a partner and played the memory game.  It was so fun to watch them really trying to remember which letter that picture was under!  We will be doing some more games coming up, such as matching, first & second, and association and memory.  It is so exciting to watch everyone learn so many new things!

Friday January 13th
  • Project:  we made a quilt with decorative paper scraps, and our teachers helped us write what we thought about our quilt - the responses were fun to read!
  • Snack:  We learned to follow step by step directions on the recipe card to make our own pizza for snack - it was yummy!
  • We trace the capital and lower case letters, and the numbers 0-9 & worked on our fine motor, and eye hand coordination!
  • Mr. Kind Kick and Mr. Lemon Lollipop helped teach us about the letters K and L - help us think of words that begin with these sounds this week!
  • Books:  Snowballs, and Snow Family

Friday January 6th
  • Project:  create a snowman and dress him!  Small, medium, and large circles!
  • Snowman dot-to dot worksheet, from numbers 1-10!
  • We practiced printing our names!
  • Snack:  We made a snowman from biscuit dough - using small, medium, and large circles!
  • Books:  Five Shiny Apples - we discussed how many is the number 5!  ;  Penguin Pete & Pat - Pete had a blue beak and Pat had a yellow beak, and baby Tim had a green beak.  Tim's friend would tease him because his beak was green and he couldn't swim!  I'm green just because I can't swim!  ;  Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing:  this is a fun discussion about why animals don't wear clothing: ....   because a snake would lose it, a billy goat would eat it for lunch, and it would always be wet on a walrus! This well-loved book by Judi and Ron Barrett shows the very youngest why animals' clothing is perfect...just as it is.

Friday December  16th
  • Projects: A beautiful star collage with painted foil!
  • Shape Book:  We traced hearts with a red color crayon into our book!
  • Numbers:  We practiced tracing the numbers 6,7,8,9, & 10 today!
  • We did a dot-to-dot exercise, it made a picture of a box - a present!
  • We played a fun colorful noses game - each child got a special bag!
  • Books:  Copy Me Copycub:  copycub was so tired but his mother kept saying copy me copycub!  She didn't want him to fall asleep right out in the snow!;  The Mitten: The children had to name an animal that went into the mitten!
  • Snack: We decorated a special cut out cookie!

Friday December 9th

  • Project: Today we made a beautiful ornament!  We had lots of pretty decorations to put on it!
  • Snack: Today our creative snack was called "Santa's Mix":  M&M's = nose, raisins = eyes, pretzels = antlers, cheese = food for reindeers, oyster crackers = buttons for santa's coat!
  • We practiced printing our names, and did a dot-to-dot from 1 thru 10!  What is it a picture of?
  • We learned about the letters "I" - Miss Incredible Inventor, and "J" - Mr. Jumbled Junk!  Ask your child to practice words that start with these sounds!
  • We copied patterns after our teachers, such as: "clap, snap, clap, snap", and "clap, snap, tap knee, etc"!  This was fun!
  • We read a book: Flip & Flop:  Flip is 5 years old, and Flop is 2.  Flop always copies Flip!  Flip wants to play with his buddy that's the same age and leaves poor Flip all alone...... ask your child what happened!

Friday December 2nd

  • Today we worked on tracing the numbers 1-5!  We also traced a tree and then we colored it, working on our fine motor skills!  We also practiced printing our names!  
  • We discussed the number 4, your child brought home a worksheet to practice printing the number 4. We read a book about : Four Fiddlers, and counted to 4 many times!
  • Art Project: We made a candy cane with a star on it, we chose whether to put the star on the top, bottom or middle!
  • Snack:  We made a Rudolph the red nosed reindeer!  We used a triangle piece of bread (buttered or plain), raisin eyes, a cherry nose, and pretzel antlers!  Ask your child to teach you how to make this fun snack!
  • Books: Harry the Dirty Dog: Harry doesn't like to take a bath and he gets so dirty that his family doesn't recognize him.  What happened then?  The children talked about a time when they got really dirty!  Blossom and Boo - this was a story about best friends - a rabbit and a bear!

Friday November 18, 2011
  • This week we traced numbers on our turkey and colored it - Happy Thanksgiving!
  • We also did a turkey art project!
  • Shape book: we worked on tracing squares, and the color brown!  Tracing helps us with our fine motor skills and eye/hand coordination!
  • We have been working on measurements in class - your child is bringing home a worksheet today - help them practice measuring things at home: length of shoes or pencils, measure ingredients in a recipe or help make a snack, compare the heights of people in your family!  We have also been separating: small, medium, and large objects!
  • Snack: we made a colorful turkey!  We used a half of an apple, and decorated it with "feathers" using toothpicks and gumdrops, and made a turkey head with a cherry!  Ask your child to describe how they made their snack today!
  • Books:  When Will it Snow? by Marty Crisp:  Peter loves winter, but he is stranded in the summer!; and The Three Billy Goats Gruff: we practiced separating small, medium, and large objects with this book!

Friday November 11, 2011
  • Today we worked on the numbers 3 and 4 in our number book!
  • We discussed the letters "G" - "Mr. Gooey Gum", and "H" Mr. Horrible Hair!  Ask your child to practice words that start with these sounds!
  • We practiced printing our capital and lower case letters!
  • Books: The Three Little Kittens: the children had to find mittens camouflaged in the picture;  The Little Engine that Could; and ABC Time: after the story the children looked at an alphabet line and found the beginning letter of their names!
  • This week we made a turkey snack!  We used 2 HiHo crackers with cream cheese and pretzels to form a turkey and feathers!

Friday November 4, 2011

  • Today was pizza making day for snack!  It was very tasty! Ask your child how they made a pizza?  (Hint: dough, sauce, cheese.....)
  • We traced the lowercase letters of the alphabet today, and practiced printing our first names.
  • If your child is going to kindergarten next year, we checked individually who could name the letters of the alphabet out of sequence. *Please help your child learn the letters out of sequence, especially the pre-K students!
  • Art project: We made a bat with long wings and scary teeth!
  • Books: 1) Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: this is a lively, jazzy alphabet book that works on all of our letters in a fun way! 2) A Color of His Own:  a sad chameleon has no color of his own, but he does find a delightful solution - the children listed some of the colors that he changed into.  3) Three Bouncy Balls: Each tale focuses on a different number or skill, geared towards pre-K students!

Friday October 28, 2011
  • Our project today involved a sensory and language exercise with a pumpkin!   First the children worked on cutting out their orange pumpkin pieces.  Then, the children felt the pumpkin on the outside and described what they found to the teacher (which is written on their pumpkin that they brought home); then they felt the inside of the pumpkin and described what they found to the teacher!  Later we glued pumpkin seeds and string on the paper to make the inside of the pumpkin!

  • Ask your child how we made a string cheese spider for snack today!!  (according to my 4 year old she used black cookies, orange frosting, M&M's for eyes, and string cheese for the spiderweb!) :)
  • We traced over the capital letters of the alphabet and our name!  This is great practice, and helps work on our fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination!
  • We traced a circle in our shape book and colored it orange!
  • Stories this week: The Spooky Old Tree (Three little bears explore the inside of a mysterious old tree and go into, up, through, over, down, and out) and Pumpkin-Pumpkin -  The children sequenced the story about growing  a pumpkin  into a jack-o-lantern!
  • Remember our Halloween dress up day is on Tuesday - have a great weekend!

Friday October 14, 2011

  • Today we worked on sequencing pumpkins into small, medium and large - we brought home an art project that worked on this concept!
  • We discussed the letters E and F, "Miss Exercise" and "Mr. Fancy Feet" - work with your child on the sounds these letters make!
  • We worked on our counting and fine motor skills with a dot-to-dot exercise, while tracing the numbers 1-10 we made a Jack-O-Lantern!
  • We had a fun snack day - we made cinnamon rolls!!  We used biscuit dough, butter, cinnamon and brown sugar - ask your child how we closed these up and baked them - yum!!!
  • We read the stories "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything", and "Pumpkin Eye"  - both books involved rhyming - trick or treat, Halloween has found our street!

Friday October 7, 2011
  • Today we discussed the number "2", and practiced writing the number 2!  We read a story about "Two Bunny Slippers".  
  • We also traced the numbers 1 thru 10 and practiced all the numericals.  
  • Rhyming!  We read two stories about rhyming:  Pat the Cat (words: fat, mat, hat, bat, rat, sat, nat, pat); and Tog the Dog (words: jog, fog, cog, bog, hog, frog, log).  What rhymes with your name?  Ask your child to try rhyming words at home!
  • Art project: Owl - we cut out 2 circles, and added moveable eyes and feathers to create a fun owl!
  • Snack:  Owl snack!  Ask your child how they made an owl's face for snack using: a circle of bologna, circular slices of pickles for eyes, and a triangle cheese nose!
  • Today we read the story "Fidgety Fish" -  Tiddler is a very fidgety fish. So much so, that when his mother has had enough, she sends him out exploring, reminding him to be careful of "the Big Fish". He comes across several sea creatures before his curiosity gets the better of him and he enters a big, dark cave. When Tiddler hears a loud snap, and everything suddenly goes dark, he realizes he is in the belly of "the Big Fish"! Now more fidgety than ever, Tiddler jumps and bumps, tumbles and turns inside the belly of the fish, causing more than a bit of a disturbance until – BURP! The big fish has had enough of Tiddler!
  • Pictures below, and more on the photos tab from today!
 Check out our post office!
Balancing scale!

Friday September 30th, 2011
  • Today we learned about the letter C and "Mr. Cotton Candy", and the letter D and "Mr. Delicious Doughnuts".  We traced the letters of the alphabet and our names, and worked on our fine motor and hand-eye coordination.
  • We also worked on our number books!
  • For snack, we made a firetruck!  Ask your preschooler about how we did this!  The body of the truck was made with graham crackers spread with cream cheese, circle cheese for wheels, and pretzel sticks for the ladder!
  • Stories: We read the book "No Jumping on the Bed" which was a rhyming book!  What happened when Walter started jumping on his bed?  He fell through the apartment floors along with Miss Hattie, Mr. Matty, Aunt Batty, Patty, Natty, and Mr. Hanratty!  Do you think this was real or just a dream?  We also read "Goodnight Moon", the children said goodnight to something special!

Friday September 23rd, 2011

  • Today we read stories with a "helping theme" where we learned about sharing and working together.
  • We read "One Stuck Duck": "oh,no" a duck stuck in the muck - yuck!  When a duck gets stuck, its friends make a rescue attempt, but nobody can get him unstuck!  Maybe if they work together they can free this poor stuck duck!  This is a fun rhyming and counting book and we also learning about working together.  We sand this song and named all the animals living in the marsh.  Can your child remember any of the animals? (fish, moose, crickets, frogs, skunk, snail, possum, snake, dragonflies: Song (sung to the tune of "This Old Man"):  In the marsh, cool and green, lots of critters can be seen.  There is one duck living there in the soggy muck.  It goes walking and gets stuck!  In the marsh, cool and green, lots of critters can be seen.  There are (two fish) living there in the soggy muck.  They will try to help the duck!
  • We also read "Baa Baa Black Sheep" - a rhyming story!  The animals come and ask for something such as: (kitten - milk), (pig - slop), (horse-hay), (dog- bones).  She doesn't have anything they ask for!  The animals come to her and ask Baa Baa Black Sheep why "NO" is always your reply, all you do is knit all day!  Then we find out the sheep was busy knitting something for each of the animals, she did care about them and share in her own special way!
  • Today we worked with the teachers in small groups and colored the colors on the "I know my colors" paper, and told the teacher what all the colors are - this worked on our fine motor and cognitive development!
  • We traced over the letters in each of our names and said each letter!
  • We started our shape book - we made triangles in our book and colored them yellow!
  • For snack today, the students made a "rocket" using shapes!  We used rectangles (crackers), and triangles (cheese slices), and followed a pattern to form a rocket design!

Friday September 16th, 2011

Today we read the story called "Wemberly Worried".  This is a very cute story about a little mouse who worried about everything, especially about going to school.  By the end of the story she had learned not to worry so much, and she told her teachers NOT to worry that she would be back at school the next day!!  We learned how worries go away, and the students told us about their special worry!

The children made their own snack- Bologna Roll-Ups - see if they can tell you how they made their snack today!  We used bologna, pickles and cream cheese!

The students worked on fine motor activities tracing lines on our worksheets and some students practiced writing their names.  We discussed the letters "A" and "B" - we learned about Miss A - a-a-choo! and Mr. B - beautiful buttons!

See you next week!

Friday September 9th, 2011

On Fridays the students will make their own snack - ask your child to tell you how they made it!  Today the children made "ants on a log" for their snack using celery, cheese whiz, and raisins!

Students also worked on independent "school readiness" projects depending on their age.  Students worked on tracing lines and curves.  Our number that we worked on today was the number 1! 

We also worked on rhyming and played rhyming bingo - ask your child how we played the game!