Sunday, May 20, 2012


  • We have just had a wonderful year!  Thank you for sharing your children with us!!!
  • Remember there are no more classes for the year! 
  • Next week is the preschool garage sale, on Wednesday the 23rd from 4-7pm for local preschools/daycares and parents of students; and on Thursday the 24th at 9:00am open to the public.  (Cash only for all sales)


  • Theme: Safety in the Summer!
  • Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter Z- he had a zipper!  He was so sad to say "good-bye" to the children - he brought the kids a picture of him so we will remember him.  Ask you child if we looked for Mortimer on our fieldtrip in the Friday class?
  • Song: "We're going on a picnic!":  "we're going on a picnic to the park today; and if it doesn't rain we'll be gone all day!"
  • It was fun to have a picnic outside next door to the school on Thursday!
  • Dora's clues:  tent, flashlight, backpack --- Dora wants to go camping!
  • Books:  Hide and Seek Safety; Beach Day
  • Excuse for snack activity:  the children cooperatively built a creation on a tray and carried the creation together!
  • We let our 5 butterflies go -- they all flew away!
  • Have a wonderful summer!