Friday, April 13, 2012

April 12, 2012

  • Flip Flops on your feet: aren't safe in the classroom and are not acceptable for field trips - thank you!
  • Pizza fundraiser orders were due today.
  • Theme:  All about birds!
  • Snack Helper:  Jazlyn & Andrew
  • We've Got Mail:  Rainy Day Clothing-- we explored and compared the material used for rainy day clothing to those used for everyday wear!  A fun way to investigate water absorption!
  • Dora's clues:  Baby birds with mouth wide open in the nest, brand new baby birds with no feathers, robin feeding baby birds...... Dora found a nest and she loves Spring!  We learned about baby birds!
  • Books:  The Best Nest, No Roses for Harry, Spring is Here
  • Dismiss for Snack Activity:  match the animals and birds -- scales, fur and feathers - which goes to which animal?  We also analyzed which colored bird goes into this colored house?
  • Songs:  Birds are Flying in the Air:  Birds are flying in the air; flying flying everywhere!  Blue birds, black birds, red birds too; They will sing a song to you!
  • Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter V!  He found a Vest to wear!  Help your child discover other words that start with the letter V!