April 26, 2012
- Thank you for all of your pizza orders and donations!
- Ask us about our walk to the post office - what other stores did we see? Where do the letters go when you mail them? Did we see any "behind the scenes" activities? Be sure to look for your family letter in the mailbox!
- Snack helpers: Colten
- Projects: "I feel....." - story for our booklet; and we finished our number book!
- Dismiss for snack activity: match the ovals - match numerals on the oval eggs!
- Dora's clues: we found small, medium, and large ovals - and we matched them!
- Books: Some Babies Are Wild; Baby Animals
- Song: "Baby Animals", sung to "are you sleeping?": Baby animals, baby animals; Oh so small, oh so small; They're cute and sometimes cuddly; They play and eat and sleep; Baby animals, baby animals!
- PIZZA PICKUP APRIL 26TH AT 5:45-6:15PM at Small Wonders!
- Due to possible road construction, if the access to the parking lot is blocked, please park on the street and come down the stairs to get into school - thank you!
- WALK TO THE POST OFFICE THIS THURSDAY - dress accordingly for outside weather - and wear good walking shoes!
- Theme: Our Beautiful Earth!
- Snack Helpers: Laine
- Art Projects: Frog headband.... ask your child what does their frog like to eat??; Letter to family and friends- Ingredients for friendship -- We will be mailing these to our families when we go to the Post Office on April 26th!
- We've got mail: We found two bowls of water with plastic fish in each bowl.... One stays clean and the other you put garbage into.... We talked about pollution and which fish will be healthier and happier!
- Song: Picking up Litter: (sung to the tune of "If you are happy and you know it").... "If you see a piece of litter pick it up!; If you see a piece of litter pick it up!; It's an easy thing to do; Takes a second, maybe two; If you see a piece of litter pick it up!!"
- Spunky the Squirrel - came to ask us to take care of the trees and keep our earth clean. Trees are the home for many animals!!
- Books: Why Should I Recycle; Where Did All the Garbage Go?
- Excuse for snack activity: follow a direction and make a pattern
- Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter W--- he had a Wrist Watch on!!
- Dora's clues: purple paper, purple marker, purple crayon-- Dora had a fun book about purple!
- Flip Flops on your feet: aren't safe in the classroom and are not acceptable for field trips - thank you!
- Pizza fundraiser orders were due today.
- Theme: All about birds!
- Snack Helper: Jazlyn & Andrew
- We've Got Mail: Rainy Day Clothing-- we explored and compared the material used for rainy day clothing to those used for everyday wear! A fun way to investigate water absorption!
- Dora's clues: Baby birds with mouth wide open in the nest, brand new baby birds with no feathers, robin feeding baby birds...... Dora found a nest and she loves Spring! We learned about baby birds!
- Books: The Best Nest, No Roses for Harry, Spring is Here
- Dismiss for Snack Activity: match the animals and birds -- scales, fur and feathers - which goes to which animal? We also analyzed which colored bird goes into this colored house?
- Songs: Birds are Flying in the Air: Birds are flying in the air; flying flying everywhere! Blue birds, black birds, red birds too; They will sing a song to you!
- Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter V! He found a Vest to wear! Help your child discover other words that start with the letter V!
- No School April 2-6 - Spring Break!
- See your newsletter for details re: Spring 2012 Pizza fundraiser!
- Theme this week: creatures: ants.... zoo!
- Snack Helpers: Laine and Norah
- Art projects: oval collage; and Q-tip painting of oval
- Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter U - he found an umbrella!
- We've got mail: we found a demonstration called "magic copper cleaner": We put a penny in white vinegar and salt and watched what happened: it turned into a shiny penny very quickly!!
- Dora's clues: bubbles, bubble handle, bubble jar - Dora wants to blow bubbles outside!
- Books: The World of Ants, Where do Ants Live, and Zoo Animals!
- Dismiss for snack activities: zoo animal match, and match the golashes!
- "I see the animals!" game: "Do you see the elephants stomp, stomp, stomp? (children stomp); Yes we see the elephants stomp, stomp, stomp! (repeat action); Do you see the kangaroos hop, hop, hop? (children hop); Yes we see the kangaroos hop, hop, hop! (repeat action); Continue with: birds flap, monkeys scratch, bears growl, penguins waddle, etc.
- "Oh Where" song (sung to "oh where oh where has my little dog gone?): Oh where, oh where does the (zebra) live? Oh where, oh where is his home? Is it in the water or on the land? Oh where or where does he roam? (repeat with other animals)