- Booklet of Experiences: Your child brought home their booklet on Thursday! Spring progress reports will also be in the booklet...... And, you have an assignment to do! Please write about your child's favorite place to go with your family. You may include pictures. Have fun writing and talking to your child about his/her special place. Please remember to return the booklet to school - you will get to keep the booklet in May!
- Snack helpers: Laine and Andrew
- Theme: dinosaurs
- Dora's clues: star, star, star - we found a dot to dot paper exercise that makes a star!
- We've got mail: We found a rainbow volcano experiment! You need a small bowl of water. Squirt shaving cream into the center of the water, drip colors of water (use food coloring) on the top and watch the water run down the volcano - you will make a rainbow of colors in the water!
- We took a walk/fieldtrip to Dr. Dvorak's dental clinic - ask us what we learned about eating healthy foods and taking care of our teeth!
- Mortimer the puppet introduced the letter Q! Mortimer had a quilt - did it keep him warm??
- Dismiss for snack activity: dinosaur match exercise
- Books: Dinosaur book; Can I have a Stegosaurus Mom? Can I Please?
- Songs: Dino Play, sung to "row row row your boat": "Dino, Dino, dinosaurs; How are you today?; Dino, dino, dinosaurs; Would you like to play?"; and Stegosaurus: sung to "are you sleeping?": "Stegosaurus, Stegosaurus in the swamp, in the swamp. Plates upon your back, with your tail you whack - klomp, klomp, klomp!"