Friday, October 14, 2011

October 13, 2011


  • There is NO SCHOOL ALL NEXT WEEK:  OCTOBER 18, 20 & 21 for MEA break.
  • Thank you for helping with our pizza fundraiser - we raised $960.00 for our school - thanks so much!
School Activities this week:

  • Projects: We worked on describing our feelings in our "booklet of experiences"; and the children told a story "On Halloween I'd like to......."
  • Stars of the Week:  Laine and Molly!
  • We've got mail:  This week we found a pumpkin and a bowl of "Mr. Potato" pieces and hats!  We made lots of fun faces on the pumpkin!!  Ask your child to describe this project to you - we had fun being creative!
  • Mortimer the Moose (our puppet) introduced the Letter B - He told a story about how he had a Big Balloon tangled in his antlers!  The children learned about the words that start with the "B" sound!
  • Books this week:  1) Growing Pumpkins: The farmer plants pumpkin seeds in a field and they sprout and grow into very large vines!  A yellow flower grows and turns into a tiny pumpkin.  The pumpkin grows bigger, bigger and turns orange, then a family comes to pick some for Jack-O Lanterns!!          2)Pumpkin Patch Puppy: Emily told Clifford they get to go to the pumpkin patch!  Clifford didn't know what a pumpkin patch was - he imagined lots of silly things: playground, beach, laundry room.  When they got to the pumpkin patch Clifford fell asleep in a large carved pumpkin!
  • We talked about growing pumpkins in a garden, what else grows in a garden?
  • Excused for snack exercises: 1) Place a pumpkin above, below, on, and beside another large pumpkin! 2) We had a pumpkin on the floor and each child got to walk around OR jump over, or walk backwards, etc. around the pumpkin!
  • Music: "The Pumpkin Song" (sung to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"): "The seed is in the ground; The seed is in the ground; Hi-ho the pumpkin patch!; The seed is in the ground."  Continue with these lines: "the seed grows a sprout", "the sprout grows a vine", "the vine grows a bloom", "the bloom grows a pumpkin", " we made a pumpkin pie!"
  • Look at the Friday PreK section and photos section for more updates on our activities!!