Friday, September 9, 2011

September 8th, 2011

We had a great first day - it was fun to see all of the smiling faces - smiles bloom here! :)

This year Dora will have clues throughout the classroom so the children can figure out what is in her backpack, which is on the wall of the classroom!  This week the clues were: a jar with bubbles inside, a bubble wand, and bubbles! We found a picture in Dora's backpack of Dora's friends blowing bubbles - have fun coloring the picture!

For art, the children painted this week - paintings will be coming home in their backpack!  We learned where to hang up our paintshirts when we were done, rather than leaving the shirts on the floor! :)

The children were dismissed for snack by matching the colored houses!  We learned about washing our hands before snack, found our name at the snack table, and discussed good table manners!

The books we read were: "Hands are Not for Hitting", and "Itsy Bitsy Spider".  Ask your children what they learned!

The songs we sang this week were: "Itsy Bitsy Spider" - fingerplay and song; and "Way up in the Apple Tree": "Way up in the apple tree, 2 little apples looked down at me, I shook that tree as hard as I could, down came the apples 1,2,3!"  Ask your child to sing it for you!

*Please note* One of the children in our class has a peanut allergy, please be sensitive to this allergy when bringing snacks and treats to Small Wonders - thank you!

It was great to see all of the fun "show and tell" items - see you again next week! We will have show and tell again on Tuesday!